Europe with or without Balkans


There is no healthy organism in nature without security and decisions making mechanism. Indeed, Europe reached a time point when euro has become one of the most powerful currencies. But what about its security and decision making functions? 

As long as Europe belongs to NATO there is no need to differentiate now and for some decades more at least. NATO structure, decision-making experience and power are enough to guarantee Europe’s borders regarding both European countries alone according to article 5 and Europe as a whole entity. In any way Europe has neither economic funds to spend meaningless nor capabilities reached yet to appeal to present threats that are above its strengths and already outside its North and South borders.

The question EU to answer quickly is what are its borders and how fast will make the necessary improvements in order to accelerate its political unity and decision making capability. In North, Ukraine has to be decided if it belongs to Europe and what will be the final borders with Russia as well as how concrete will be these borders. Can EU and especially northern countries like Germany live without Russia in 21th century? 

Moreover in South, will Balkans participate truly in EU entity or will remain a post Ottoman European corner? Without doubt it is not normal to try to analyze an society where wages are nearly 180 euro according to European values of life and economical parameters as well as Balkan societies where higher wages exist only due to eternal loans. EU constitutions have to decide soon where Europe ends and in case they include Balkans they have to change them quickly. The geographical inclusion of Balkans in Europe has little to give and even may become lethal as the crucial thing is neither land nor money but the way of thinking and living depicted into peoples values and their fights for existence.

Russia and Mr Putin very brilliantly try to give to Balkans the last decades what human needs to survive. Energy. A new Balkan energy pipeline, Turkishstream, was the main menu of Greek Prime Minister Mr Tsipras and his Russian one Mr Putin during their last cordially meeting in Moscow. Russia is ready to pay in advance and hug Greece and Balkans while carving Europe’s and Russia real borders in 21th century no matter land issues.

An EU stance besides Mr’s Mario Draghi and ECB billions of euro has to provide a unanimous decision along with its mechanism of function in order to oppose successfully to Russia offensive diplomacy. 

Indeed any decision has to be promoted and executed by capable fresh players who will replace the existing onesthat seem especially in Greece dedicated to its old traditions and faiths. Values that are equal to billions of euro in foreign banks neutralizing any west plan and effort in recent years...

Δημοσίευση: Απριλίου 14, 2015

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