Tsipras’ World


Tsipras is not a simple Prime Minister of a Euro-zone nation. Tsipras is not a trendy radical left political leader who governs Greece with the help of a right nationalist party. Tsipras is not a typical young 21th century politician that will go Greece forward.

Tsipras is an idea. Tsipras is a way of living. Tsipras is the last but not least of a typical Greek political leaders that ruled Greece since 1981. Tsipras is a representative Greek political leader that symbols the resistance to new world. A world after Cold War. Tsipras is the man that neutralizes any political theory of modern political art and not only invented in human nature. Tsipras is the man that has all the political world lifestyle lights on him for months now without offering nothing but only words, postpones and disaster to his nation without paying it.

Tsipras is unique and fierce. He just demands what his people want conquering democracy without any consequences as no-one is here to defy him. He has already made unknown to all if paying wages and pensions of Greeks along with nation obligations to lenders without no-one criticizes him. All bow to him.

Tsipras is a 1981 Greek leader, a pure clone of Andreas Papandreou when Greek clock of living and breathing stopped without Greeks knowing it. A date when any effort of human creativity and productivity stopped so as Greece dismantles nowadays, a generation after, without conscious and regrets. An absolute nation fraud.

Capable people disappeared soon since day from any responsible state post and robust Greek factories led to bankruptcy. A complete media propaganda set up in order nowadays majority of Greek society demands its destruction with pleasure. Successive Governments, socialists or democratic or leftists indifferent, did nothing than destroying Greece. They repeatedly proceeded in state lending by signing enormous loans and stealing state funds without any control. The famous “Greece is a poor nation but Greeks wealthy” became a widespread worldwide slogan. Greece walked to its death on purpose and with happiness.

Democracy became a prostitute with lenders' money.

Responsible for that was just one person. A man who is behind the curtains for all this decades. A man who is the permanent consultant of every “distinguished” person of Greek society. A man that bought that prostitute and gave it to the world. 

A man that actually was the human who picked every incapable person to reach any state control post and any business activity mainly state funded. A human that killed Greece with pleasure since then. A human that subjugated every healthy social cell. Every human cell that could resist to his cunning plan.

Now situation seems without cure. Time is for the enemy. Time is needed desperately for him so as Greece killers not surrender. Tsipras asks for time. Greeks ask for time. Time is the Center of Gravity of this war. Greeks are just the hostages. Both the few resistant ones and the lot enemy’s addicted soldiers. Someone should free Greece without delay.

In any way war is over. The human is defeated. His army shall surrender. The only thing for Europe and West is if another bomb is needed in Greece like 1945. A bomb that will make the defeated man indeed feel as a winner seeing Greece devastated.

A bomb that will make a trauma to Greece at least for the 21th century...

Δημοσίευση: Μαΐου 22, 2015

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